
Packaging requirements are changing. The regulatory requirements are becoming more stringent and more complex, and they are also associated with increasing levies for certain packaging materials and certain types of packaging. The retail industry is constantly evolving in terms of sustainability and is demanding the same from suppliers. Protecting the climate and transparency are also increasingly

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The Altstoff Recycling Austria AG (ARA) in collaboration with the Packaging Cockpit – With the imminent adoption of the European Packaging Regulation, ecomodulation is also approaching. With the Packaging Cockpit, ARA customers can prepare themselves timely for the planned tariff improvement for recyclable packaging. For more information:

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The Packaging Cockpit Tool of Packaging Cockpit Holding GmbH enables users to record packaging components made of different materials and their combination into packaging units in order to determine the recyclability and environmental impact of the packaging at the same time. Packaging Cockpit Holding GmbH has commissioned the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy

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